London Design Awards倫敦設計獎是一項國際競賽,旨在表彰世界各地的杰出設計和杰出的創意項目。該獎項旨在表彰那些在創意影響的可視化方面真正出類拔萃的設計,促進涉及室內、建筑、產品、包裝、概念、用戶界面、用戶體驗、通信和服務等領域的優秀設計師的作品,為那些將超越行業的設計師帶來永恒的名聲。在今年的競賽過程中,倫敦設計獎收到了來自美國、英國、葡萄牙、中國、德國、西班牙、意大利和挪威等超過 45 個國家參賽作品。

“It is an honour for us to recognise designers from around the globe, collaboratively fostering a

community that extends its influence across the entirety of the design industry," mentioned

Thomas Brandt, spokesperson of IAA. He further added, "The extraordinary impact that the

design industry has made in pushing the boundaries of the medium never ceases to inspire me.

I am immensely proud of the support we have received from our exceptional panel of jurors,

whose discerning insights and dedication have been instrumental in turning this achievement

into a celebrated reality.”

IAA 的發言人 Thomas Brandt 表示:“我們很榮幸能夠表彰來自全球各地的設計師,共同打造一




今天很榮幸收到London Design Awards的得獎祝賀FAXIAN發現設計榮獲本年度室內類大獎

金獎 室內類

GOLD AWARD  London Design Awards

